Automation notifications on JOB tasks
When there is automation set up on a JOB task it should display that task in a different colour so that you can see where in the chain of tasks the automation is either active or due to become active.
Sometimes the automation has been set up on a task but you forget which task you set it up from and then you have to click through lots of tasks to find the automation and turn it off.

kevin.doran commented
Hi Jon. Hard to explain but in a nutshell because you can't currently handle a chain of events [i.e. automation at a later stage if that makes sense] we may complete a task that's worded as though it's sending an email but the email is really being sent based on the next task becoming active.
Hardly material in the grand scheme of things though.
HI Kevin, Yes, we just added the envelope icon to indicate that a task has an attached automation. Curious as to why you would want that to be optional?
kevin.doran commented
I can see an envelope as been added next to tasks that have automation attached. Could we possibly have such a display as an optional feature instead of set in stone?
kevin.doran commented
As a workaround we abbreviate the start of the task name. AS means auto-send, CTS means complete to send and Fill means a template needs to be manually filled.