Emails sent when task marked as complete
If emails are generated automatically when completing a task, a pop-up notification would be handy, especially if emails need approving first.

kevin.doran commented
Yes, something like that would be good. As we're just kicking things off we're remembering which tasks have auto emails attached to them but long term I think there needs to be some kind of failsafe/prompt/reminder.
As an aside, I think you could also make better use of the screen you see when you click into a task. At the mo it just has the task name and the milestone. This is where it would be good to see any individual task notes (instructions for the task) as per and perhaps a reminder of what emails are attached to the task (at present I believe the only way to know that is to click the edit button?)
Are you thinking or a checkbox to select that say ask for prompt. If selected and you clear task above before the email is sent it either asks you to confirm and then shows what about to go so you can make any last minutes changes