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Tags are a great way for you to organise your data in CentreCRM. The functionality is extremely powerful and flexbile, and allows you to group your information in a variety of different ways.

For example, you can create a Tag called "International" and associate all relevant Clients or Contacts with this Tag, or you can create a Tag called "Important" and associate important Jobs with this Tag. Its totally up to you as to how and what to Tag!

You can also apply a different colour to each tag, making it easier to identify.

To find Tags:
  1. Navigate to the Settings tab and click on Tags under the General section

Adding Tags

  1. Click Add Tag
  2. Enter the name of your new tag
  3. (Optional) Select a colour for your new tag
  4. Click Save

Editing Tags

  1. Click Edit on the tag you wish to edit
  2. Change your tag as desired
  3. Click Save

Deleting Tags

  1. Click Delete on the tag you wish to delete
  2. Click OK on the confirmation box that appears

Tag Colours

Tag colours are a useful way for you to quickly distinguish between different tags. Selecting the tag colour can be done using either the provided list of colours, or entering a colour hex code.

The simplest way to assign a colour to your tag, either creating or editing it, is to:
  1. Click Choose Colour
  2. Select a colour from the provided swatch of colours
  3. Click Save to save the tag
If you like, you can also enter a colour hex code into the box, for fine control over exactly which colours you want to use.

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