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  1. Quick add event i.e. when sending a letter from mail template

    When you fill a mail template on CRM it would save time if you had the option to quick add the event for sending a letter. Currently if you send an email it works great as the communication is sent and the events are updated, however, when sending a letter from a template you either have to save as a PDF and attach to documents or you have to print out and attach a copy of the letter you have sent, this takes additional time.

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  3. Visual of outstanding jobs on dashboard

    We're struggling to see what jobs are outstanding at any given point.

    The calendar shows jobs by completion date (helpful as the deadline approaches but not much good before that) and the filters are well hidden.

    Something more visual on the dashboard would be great, some kind of pie chart based on a chosen filter perhaps or even just the number of jobs currently outstanding for that filter with a short list of the next 5 deadlines straight underneath.

    You could have say 5 customisable filters running along the top of the dash - it would be unbelievably useful in…

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  4. Client Overview Tab & Page number in Job List

    1. Is there a way to add/delete/edit to the Overview Tab when viewing a client? I've added a custom field, is there another way to edit the fields that are already in there? Ie. Trading Address or Client Reference?

    2) Is it possible to add the page numbers to the top of the list of jobs? We'd like to be able to view them at the top & bottom or top only.

    Thank you,
    Trina Latta
    Bean Counting & Consulting, LLC

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  5. Add Default Settings Option in Task Window

    In task view, this would allow date range and type of task (All, In Progress, Completed) to be set to a default. Allowing the user to decide what setting works for them instead of need to change those field each time you log-in to CentreCRM or saving a bookmark with your settings.

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  6. How do i run a report for all accounts for march 2015 or annual returns due in Oct 2015 ?

    each month we need to file accounts and annual returns to companies house. we need to know which ones are approaching the deadline.

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  7. assign tasks automatically to same person as job is assigned to

    the same person will do most of the tasks and it is time consuming to allocate all tasks e.g. in limited co template to the same person

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  8. Date filters

    Add from/to date filters to the filter menu.

    Also, please consider adding an optional setting so that filters can be left on at all times.

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  9. Automatically create jobs within existing jobs

    Think of a new client boarding job. Part of that might well be to create additional jobs (regular payroll, quarterly VAT, annual accounts etc).

    You can currently click complete on a task and it triggers an email. How about completing a task that then generates a whole new job?

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  10. Job name should be picked up via job template

    When creating a new job based on an existing template it's quite annoying to have to name it each time.

    It would be much better if the name was pre-populated based on a name given to it in the job template, with the option to simply edit the job name if need be.

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  12. Enable recurring jobs to be created with a creation date in the past

    When setting up recurring jobs for the first time, it's very possible that the ideal creation date has already passed.

    At the moment the system won't allow you to create these so the only way to achieve it is to create the immediate job as a one off then any future recurrences as a recurring job.

    Being able to create a recurring job with an historic creation date would solve the problem.

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  13. Emails sent when task marked as complete

    If emails are generated automatically when completing a task, a pop-up notification would be handy, especially if emails need approving first.

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  14. Lead Generation (like a normal CRM)

    Is there future development to have a tab for lead generation and reporting? Or is there a work around?

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  15. Emails to approve widget to be more prominent

    Consider moving the dashboard emails to approve widget from the bottom to the top of the screen and make the box stand out a bit more if there's anything in there (could turn red for example once the email count goes above 0)

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  16. The option for tasks with auto emails to also auto complete

    Auto email goes out.

    If that's the whole point of that particular task i.e. send X email it would be good if there was a tick box for the task itself to auto complete.

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  17. The ability to send emails to non-contacts


    I want to send a professional clearance email to the ex-accountant of a new client.

    If I want to do this through CentreCRM I would have to add them as a contact then remove them again afterwards.

    If I forget to remove them the ex-accountant could end up receiving future automated emails by mistake - not good.

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  18. Non-automated emails linked to tasks

    At the moment you can attach automatic emails to tasks, either when the task starts or when it's marked as complete.

    However there are many occasions where i'd like to attach a specific email template to a task but not have it sent automatically, perhaps because the email needs tweaking slightly for example.

    Yes the fill template option can be used but that means remembering exactly what templates belong to what tasks - it would be more intuitive to set these up from the off.

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